

A Lifecycle Approach to Investing in Organizational Capacity
October 2015
Member News

Largest gathering of Texas philanthropy on any State Issue Held at the 3rd Texas Education Grantmakers Advocacy Convening.

March 19, 2015
Member News
Becky Pastner talks about the St. David's Foundation’s history in capacity building and its new Capacity Academy, an opportunity for St. David’s grant partners to develop and implement targeted capacity-building efforts over a period of several years.
February 12, 2015
PSW News

Foundations regularly provide capacity building support to nonprofit organizations, but it’s less typical for foundations to support the growth and capabilities of fellow funders. The Kirkpatrick Foundation’s relatively modest grant support of $12,500 gave the smaller Southwestern Urban Foundation the ability to redefine its direction and mission, develop a strategic plan, and communicate about their grantmaking.

December 15, 2014
The Power of Investing in Nonprofit Capacity
October 2014
Cracking the Network Code: Impact through Empowerment
September 2014
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