Webinar: Get on the Map: A Quick How-to...

Webinar: Get on the Map: A Quick How-to...

Thursday, March 9, 2017 -
1:00pm to 2:00pm CST
Your Computer

This powerful platform is a tool for PSW members to learn who is funding what and where in our region. Check it out here . There are already many funders on the map, but the more who participate, the more useful the data will be.

This webinar will guide PSW members through the process of "getting on the map" by e-reporting their grants data to the Foundation Center. The Foundation Center will walk through instructions for sharing all necessary data to make our Foundation Map a powerful tool for the region's philanthropic community.


1. Brief introduction to the “Get on the Map” campaign 2. Short demo of the Foundation Maps platform 3. Instructions for how to electronically report your grants data

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