Colorado Rural Philanthropy Days
Anschutz Family Foundation Discusses Impact in Rural Colorado
In 1989, only three percent of grants from Colorado’s private funding community were awarded outside of the major metro areas. Having grown up in a small town in Central Kansas, Sue Anschutz-Rodgers, chair & president of Anschutz Family Foundation, had a passion for rural communities. She led the Foundation’s efforts in establishing Colorado Rural Philanthropy Days, now in its 30th year, connecting statewide funders and rural nonprofit partners in rural sites biannually. The impact has been astounding:
- Increase in grants to rural areas
- Increase in collaboration
- Increase in the capacity of rural nonprofits and organizations
- Increase in relationships between rural nonprofits and statewide funders
Watch the interview with Anschutz Family Foundation Executive Director Abel Wurmnest and Philanthropy Southwest President & CEO Tony J. Fundaro to learn more about how you can bring Rural Philanthropy Days to your community, state, or region.