Mergers and acquisitions are increasingly common for American and global companies — across sectors, sizes, and geographic footprints; and while market implications are regularly documented and discussed, the impact on corporate philanthropy and managing subsequent strategic options is rarely explored.
Join the Council on Foundations and Rocket Social Impact for a conversation to explore our new publication, Navigating Mergers & Acquisitions: Guidance for Corporate Philanthropy Leaders. This resource, informed by substantive dialogue with corporate philanthropy practitioners and attorneys provides a four-step process to support key decisions and charitable strategies through the entire transition process.
Report findings will be shared along with an interactive discussion on challenges and opportunities when combining philanthropies during a merger or acquisition.
- Rich Maiore, President, Rocket Social Impact
- Marty Posch, President, Finish Line Youth Foundation
- Danielle Reyes, Counsel and Co-Chair, Corporate Social Responsibility Law + Policy Practice at Goodwin
- Lindsay Mason, Lead Strategist, Corporate Philanthropy, Council on Foundations