

PSW News

Eusebio Diaz, Vice President of Program Baptist Health Foundation of San Antonio...

April 10, 2014
Member News

David Mendez will begin a two-year term as chair of the Houston Endowment board of directors in 2015. He has served as a director since 2006. Mr. Mendez will follow Linnet Deily as chair. Deily will continue to serve as a director.


January 22, 2015
Member News
Prosper Waco has received a $1 million grant from the Rapoport Foundation to kick off a pilot program focused on helping local high school students successfully transition to college.
January 26, 2015
Sector News

The Senate voted last night to extend the tax extenders—including the IRA charitable rollover—for 1 year, retroactive for 2014.

December 17, 2014
Member News
St. David’s Foundation announced today a $10 million grant to People’s Community Clinic (PCC) to fund expansion and relocation to a new headquarters clinic facility in northeast Austin.
December 12, 2014
Member News

The Catholic Foundation has announced that Vicky P. Lattner will serve as chair of its Board of Trustees beginning in 2015. The current chairman, Tom Codd, Jr., will maintain a position on the board as Chairman Emeritus.

A trustee since...

December 10, 2014


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