New Mexico

New Mexico

2015 Grantor - Grantee Dialogue: Boards for a New Era
January 2015
2015 Grantor - Grantee Dialogue: Boards for a New Era
January 2015
Sector News

The Senate voted last night to extend the tax extenders—including the IRA charitable rollover—for 1 year, retroactive for 2014.

December 17, 2014
Member News
St. David’s Foundation announced today a $10 million grant to People’s Community Clinic (PCC) to fund expansion and relocation to a new headquarters clinic facility in northeast Austin.
December 12, 2014
Member News
Inasmuch Foundation (Oklahoma CIty, OK) recently awarded $5.79 million in grants to 28 organizations, all serving Oklahoma communities. The grants include more than $1 million to KIPP Reach to expand and grow a five-school model serving over 2,500 students per year. Another $500,000 was awarded to the Kiwanis Special Activities Fund to replace the old Carver Mark Twain Head Start building with a birth-to-school continuum campus next door to the newly renovated Mark Twain Elementary.
November 14, 2014
It CAN Happen Here: Fraud detection, deterrence and protection
October 2014
An Evolution of Perspectives on Portfolio Allocation
October 2014


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