

PSW News

Dallas, TX - Philanthropy Southwest today announced its new slate of board members and officers. Timothy Schultz, President and Executive Director of the Boettcher Foundation in Denver, Colorado, will serve as president. He succeeds John E. Brown...

November 07, 2014
Sector News

Philanthropy Southwest's Lucille DiDomenico joins more than 50 distinguished speakers and panelists from throughout Texas and the nation for this decision-maker’s convening event to network and increase the effectiveness of postsecondary success leading to living wage employment in Texas,

September 24, 2014
Cracking the Network Code: Impact through Empowerment
September 2014
From Effective to Inspired: Grantmaking Skills for Trustees and Staff
September 2014
Resource for members only
Sector News

If adopted, the Act would make the IRA charitable rollover permanent, simplify the private foundation excise tax, and extend the deadline for claiming charitable contributions.

July 18, 2014
Technology: In and Beyond the Boardroom
July 2014
Staying the Course: Good Governance in Turbulent Times
July 2014


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