PSW Webinar: Does Your Foundation Take Cybersecurity Seriously?

PSW Webinar: Does Your Foundation Take Cybersecurity Seriously?

Thursday, March 29, 2018 -
11:00am to 12:00pm CDT

Philanthropy Southwest is pleased to announce this upcoming educational program available to PSW members only at no cost:

Cybersecurity Webinar

According to cybersecurity expert John Ansbach, there may be no greater risk to foundations and charitable giving groups than cyber insecurity. The question is, what should foundations and those that help them manage risk be doing right now to prepare? Leading cybersecurity expert John Ansbach will provide an overview of the current cyber risk landscape, including recent cyber threats and associated costs, available defenses, and what foundations can do to protect themselves towards becoming cyber resilient. Thank you to Westwood Wealth Management for their generous sponsorship of this webinar.

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