PSW on The Road - December 1, 2021 - Colorado Springs, CO

WHEN: Wednesday, December 1, 2021 from 8 AM - 10 AM MT
WHERE: The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Colorado
WHAT: The PSW Team is headed to five Southwest cities (Austin, Colorado Springs, Houston, Little Rock, and Santa Fe) to see you face-to-face and provide opportunities for local funders to connect over breakfast while enjoying PSW Webinar Wednesday - LIVE!
DECEMBER PSW Webinar Wednesday LIVE:
True GRIT: Innovation in Disaster Crisis Response
December 1, 2021 10-11am CT/9-10am MT
In 2020 Ms. Lyda Hill provided an $8 million challenge gift to the University of Colorado Colorado Springs to launch a Resilience Institute that would transform trauma care and change the scientific dialogue from one of illness and disability to one of strength and empowerment by designing evidence-based solutions through interdisciplinary research, healing therapies and community outreach. Following a brief introduction to the new Institute, this webinar will focus on one innovative program from the institute called GRIT (Greater Resilience Information Toolkit) that was launched within weeks of the start of the pandemic to support our communities. The GRIT program is the first disaster crisis response system of its kind that captures the power of the whole community. By capitalizing on naturally occurring helping interactions within individual social networks, the GRIT skills empower individuals to provide critical resilience and strength focused support to the one’s they love. Participants in this webinar will: 1) Learn how the GRIT program has grown exponentially from an initial Colorado Springs area support program to one that is in 42 states across the U.S. and 11 countries around the world; 2) Understand the challenges related to current disaster mental health response in the U.S. and how GRIT can harness the power of the population to assist in responding to mass trauma beyond covid; 3) Hear more about the mission of the Lyda Hill Institute for Human Resilience including revolutionizing how trauma survivors are cared for and what has captured the support of the philanthropic community including over $5.5 million in additional funding to support the Institute.
- Dr. Chip Benight, Executive Director, Lyda Hill Institute of Resilience
- Matthew J. Carpenter, Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, El Pomar Foundation (MODERATOR)
- Deb Mahan, Executive Director, Anschutz Foundation
- Dr. Pam Shockley-Zalabak, president of CommuniCon Inc. and Chancellor emerita of the University of Colorado
To attend virtually, register for the December 2021 PSW Webinar Wednesday here.