PSW on The Road - April 5, 2022 - Little Rock, AR

What: A Joint Hybrid Program - Supporting Better Outcomes for Children & Families: A National Research Agenda with Local Impact
Presented by: Philanthropy Southwest (PSW), Philanthropy Southeast (PSE), Arkansas Asset Funders Network (AFN) and Arkansas Impact Network (AIN). In collaboration with: Casey Family Programs, Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation, and Arkansas Community Foundation
When: April 5, 2022, 4:00 - 5:30 PM CT; Networking reception immediately following, 5:30 – 6:30 PM CT
Where: Capital Hotel, Brooks Parlor Room, 111 W. Markham Street, Little Rock, Arkansas
This program will also be LIVE streamed and broadcasted for PSW, PSE, AFN, and AIN members and non-members to participate virtually
Who/Audience: Funders, Elected Leaders, Policymakers, & Nonprofit & Charitable Sector Stakeholders
Program Description and Background:
Each spring, the philanthropic sector gathers in Washington, DC for Foundations on the Hill (FOTH) to meet with and inform congressional lawmakers about policies and legislation that impact the communities we serve. With FOTH being virtual again this year, we are hosting a joint hybrid program for philanthropy and policymakers during FOTH in Little Rock, AR. This program, presented by Philanthropy Southwest, Philanthropy Southeast, Arkansas Asset Funders Network, and Arkansas Impact Network, will feature a newly launched National Research Agenda on child and family well-being and spotlight efforts in Arkansas to improve education and health outcomes for children.
More Background on National Research Agenda and Arkansas Excel by Eight Since 2020, Lived Experience Experts, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Casey Family Programs, and the William T. Grant Foundation have worked in partnership with more than 50 individuals representing a broad array of experts, stakeholders, and people with lived experience to elevate research gaps that span community-based family support, child protective services, out-of-home care, and post-permanency services. This program will showcase how the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are applied to a 21st Century Research Agenda and co-designed with lived experience experts to better support youth and families. Putting this national research agenda into local context, attendees will learn about how grantmakers investing in Arkansas are supporting the Excel by Eight initiative, formerly the Arkansas Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, to close research gaps in economic mobility policies by promoting the availability of high-quality early care and advancement of early childhood education. These efforts bolster a thriving Arkansas economy and better life outcomes for children and families.
- Rev. Cory Anderson, Chief Innovation Officer, Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation
- Dr. Kristine Andrews, Co-Founder and Senior Director, Ideas to Impact
- Norma Hatfield, Kinship Care Advocate
- Sarah Kinser, Chief Program Officer, Arkansas Community Foundation
- Dr. Peter Pecora, Managing Director of Research Services, Casey Family Programs