In Appreciation
The Spirit of Philanthropy in Oklahoma
Oklahomans have a generous spirit, consistently ranking among the top 10 most charitable states in the United States. In Philanthropy Southwest’s last Giving Study (2014), Oklahoma foundations increased their giving by a remarkable 51%, and foundation assets increased 24%.
Oklahoma City Community Foundation and Philanthropy Southwest invite you for a sneak preview of the soon to be released 2016 Philanthropy Southwest Giving Study as we celebrate and show our support for
Oklahoma’s continued growth in philanthropy.
Whether or not you are a member of Philanthropy Southwest or just learning about this nearly 70 year old foundation membership organization, please plan to join us:
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Oklahoma City Community Foundation
1000 N. Broadway Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Parking is available on the east side of the building
Feel free to reach out to colleagues, inviting them to join this special gathering where they can learn more about the unique opportunities Philanthropy Southwest provides to exchange ideas, build relationships and advance philanthropic excellence.
Please RSVP by Thursday, September 15th to Amy Askari at