2015 National Forum on K-12 Philanthropy: Education Reform 2025

2015 National Forum on K-12 Philanthropy: Education Reform 2025

Tuesday, March 10, 2015 (All day) to Wednesday, March 11, 2015 (All day)
New Orleans, LA
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2015 National Forum on K-12 Philanthropy: Education Reform 2025
The Ritz-Carlton • New Orleans, Louisiana
March 10-11, 2015

Co-hosted by The Philanthropy Roundtable, Philanthropy Southwest,
and the Southeastern Council of Foundation



There is no question that K-12 education must catch up to meet the 21st century – how can donors accelerate the pace of innovation? Philanthropists play an integral role in the creation and scaling of innovative schools and creative solutions. How can we continue this work and inspire others to scale bold new frameworks for education?

Join us in New Orleans, Louisiana, on March 10-11 as we bring top donors and leading K-12 experts from around the nation together for two days of thought-provoking conversation. This conference, held 10 years after Hurricane Katrina, will focus on the greatest opportunities for philanthropists to achieve breakthroughs over the next 10 years. We’ll visit schools that are disrupting the status quo in K-12 education and meet with education entrepreneurs who are bringing breakthrough innovation and progress to the field. We’ll also delve into the most promising developments in K-12 education, the practical and political barriers to progress that philanthropy can address, and how donor-led efforts can increase excellence in schools.

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Checker Finn, Thomas B. Fordham Institute
  • Rick Hess, American Enterprise Institute
  • Arthur Levine, president, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
  • Chris Meyer, New Schools for Baton Rouge
  • Kira Orange-Jones, Teach For America – Greater New Orleans
  • Marc Sternberg, Walton Family Foundation
  • John White, Louisiana Superintendent of Education
  • Kate Walsh, National Council of Teacher Quality

Optional site visits:

Sci Academy
KIPP McDonogh 15 School for the Creative Arts
4.0 Schools

Additional conversations during this two day event will focus on:

  • The opportunities and challenges of school choice
  • Becoming a savvy education advocate
  • Taking reform solutions to scale
  • How to foster genuine community engagement

This solicitation-free event is open to those who annually distribute, or intend to distribute in the near future, at least $100,000 in charitable donations. There is no fee to attend. The Philanthropy Roundtable is an association of donors who seek to advance liberty, opportunity and personal responsibility. Its K-12 Education program seeks to further increase and improve K-12 education reform philanthropy by connecting thought-leaders, practitioners, and donors with one another.

To register or learn more, please visit The Philanthropy Roundtable’s website: www. PhilanthropyRoundtable.org/events.

For additional information about the content of this program, please contact the Philanthropy Roundtable’s director of K-12 education programs Nicole Jarbo, at njarbo@philanthropyroundtable.org or at (202) 822-8333.

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