Parents are the “secret sauce,” as their children’s first teacher, best advocate and most important role-model. Reaching parents of young children can be challenging, especially for low-income families juggling many responsibilities and those in rural communities where long distances and limited transportation raise the ante. Investing in strategies that build parents’ capacity pays off in their children’s health, education and development. This interactive session will explore how communities involved in the Campaign for Grade Level Reading (GLR) are doing so. GLR communities support traditional home visiting and early education programs, work with partners like housing providers, health centers and local businesses, leverage technology and work in nontraditional sites like laundromats and barbershops.
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss with local funders what’s working and what’s challenging in building parents’ capacity to help their children succeed.
- Hear innovative solutions that work in rural communities, including those that exploit natural settings like laundromats and barbershops.
- Participate in a roundtable conversation and learning exchange about this important work.
Speaker: Ralph Smith, Managing Director of the Campaign for Grade Level Reading, Washington DC
Location: International Center South